Keeping hold of those memories

Remember when your baby was very small and they had the cutest baby grows and other outfits? How they grow out of them so quickly.
Do you have them stored away for some unknown reason? Well this is where I can help you create a lasting keepsake.
A friend, Hayley (ixxy poco) asked me if I could make a memory quilt for her using the favourite outfits from her baby boy’s early years.
We met up for a lovely lunch and talked about what I could create. She handed me a bag full of Seth’s clothes and off I went with ideas in my head.
I felt that using every outfit was important as each one had a lasting memory for her. I used fronts, backs and even hats! I made a memory quilt that was cotton backed and slightly padded. Not too small to miss out those precious memories and not too big that it couldn’t be proudly displayed for all to see.
I was very proud of my creation and took it over to her house but I was feeling quite anxious. After all it was her baby’s first year all combined into one and it was important that she liked what I had made.
I need not have worried. She loved it!
My mission is now to try and create memories for other people to enjoy and keep forever.

IMG_0368I can also add an embroidered piece to make it personalised.
If you would like a lasting keepsake for one or more of your children, please contact me and I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed!
Yours creatively

Tracey xx


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